Cases and materials in company law, eighth edition l. Companies and partnerships compared a a company can be created only by certain prescribed methods most. Company law i 2008 2009 semester one lecture outline i an overview of our company law course semester one. Section 239 of the companies act, 1956 provides that. It also involves dispute between two legal entities related to such issues. Application of certain provisions of this act to unregistered companies.
It is not a natural person with mind or conscience. A company thus has legal rights and obligations in the same way that a natural person does. Cases on separate legal entity we are company secretary. Ethical issues have become important to leadership and management practice as a result of many well known cases of failure by organizations and individuals to observe and maintain ethical standards. Pdf important caselaws on company law leading cases on. Company law in view of increasing emphasis on adherence to norms of good corporate governance, company law assumes an added importance in the corporate legislative milieu, as it deals with structure, management, administration and conduct of affairs of companies. Eight cases from across history which still shape the law. Download important case laws of company law file in pdf format. The company is not in law the agent of the subscribers or trustee for them. Principles of business law contents study unit title page syllabus i 1 nature and sources of law 1 nature of law 3 historical origins 6 sources of law 9 the european community and uk law. Here are a few cases related to the search and seizure of those persons, houses, papers, and effects. Company law case study help on setting up business online. R v registrar of joint stock companies, ex p moore case 9. Company law cases list of the major cases in company law.
Company law case study assignments mainly help to govern the areas such as sales, commercials, transactions, bankruptcies, mortgages and contracts. An overview 2 common law, equity and statute law 23 custom 25 case law 26 nature of equity 32 application of principles of equity 34. Salomans case established beyond doubt that in law a registered company is an. Heres whats at stake, and how it could affect the way you do business. Here in this thread i am sharing lecture notes in ebook format pdf for the subject company law for llb and ba. Company law case briefs life contingency mlc304 studocu. Similarly, the provisions of the act regarding undertaking to take up. The companies act, 1956 consolidates and amends the law relating to companies. From cannibalism to carbolic smoke balls, these are some of the fascinating cases that have made the law of england and wales what it is today. Important caselaws on company law leading cases on company law. Provisions as to entries in register in relation to share warrants.
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